2:30 p.m. - Just got in touch with Rob and he is heading into Montana any minute now.  It doesn't look like he encountered much snow along the way but he will when he gets to Washington!   Wow, he's almost there!
Sorry, when using multiple upload, it does not allow me to rotate pictures.  Don't know why.  First pic - Wisconsin, 2nd - Hard Rock Cafe, 3rd - truck at night...
1/18/2012 06:38:00 am

If you look in picture 3, that is a dinasour in front of the truck.

Dee Mulvey
1/19/2012 06:15:12 am

Got get em Papa smurf!!! Safe travels!!!

1/20/2012 08:45:06 pm

You must be 1/2 way through the ferry by now? Kath?
How is it going?
Did you take off from Bellingham? Very curious to know your updates.
I will be calling the radio station so they know we are listening at ONAC. . lol


1/20/2012 08:45:09 pm

You must be 1/2 way through the ferry by now? Kath?
How is it going?
Did you take off from Bellingham? Very curious to know your updates.
I will be calling the radio station so they know we are listening at ONAC. . lol


1/20/2012 08:45:19 pm

You must be 1/2 way through the ferry by now? Kath?
How is it going?
Did you take off from Bellingham? Very curious to know your updates.
I will be calling the radio station so they know we are listening at ONAC. . lol


1/20/2012 11:14:53 pm

He boarded the ferry last night around 6pm our time and when he called me I heard over the loadspeaker on the ferry that they would be leaving in about 3 hrs, so 9pm our time. Have not heard from him yet today, but it is only about 6am there? Not sure what time zone he is in now.

5/30/2012 05:15:00 am

you happen to be correctly in an article

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good post

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